Oxygenics Fury Shower Review

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In today’s blog, we’ll take a look at my latest favorite RV product. This time we’ll cover the Oxygenics Fury RV sprayer kit. One of the things you find out pretty quickly when RVing without full hookups is that you need to conserve water. There are two sources that use the most water. The first is washing dishes and the second is showering. If you only have a 30-gallon grey water tank, this can fill quickly with dish and shower water if you don’t adjust your habits. For showering, one way to reduce water consumption is by getting a showerhead that reduces water flow but keeps water pressure.

Oxygenics Shower Sprayer Kit

Let’s take a look at a water usage test between a stock RV shower head, the Oxygenics sprayer kit and the Oxygenics Fury sprayer kit. Here are a few things we did to make the water usage test as fair as possible. First, we are using a city water source at the same campsite for all tests. The city water line has a water pressure regulator and a Camco water filter on the water intake line which restricts water pressure to about 50 psi. We are using the indoor shower outlet with both hot and cold faucets turned on full when testing.

We designed the tests to see how long each showerhead takes to expend 1 gallon of water. To do this we first filled a dish tub with one gallon of water, then use painters’ tape to mark this gallon level. Next, we tested the stock RV shower and turned both the hot and cold faucets to full to see how quickly it would hit the gallon mark. As a baseline test, it took 1 minute and 2 seconds to output one gallon of water for the stock RV shower, or a hair under 1 gallon per minute. The next test was to use the Oxygenics sprayer kit. This shower head, which is a common model many RVers use to limit water usage, took 1 minute and 22 seconds to hit the 1-gallon mark, or approximately .73 gallons per minute. These are the baseline tests to weigh the multi-spray Oxygenics Fury model against.

Since the Oxygenics Fury sprayer kit has five shower pattern settings and a water flow control, we did a series of water flow tests, one for each setting at full water flow, and one test for each setting at half water flow. This way we would know exactly how much water was being used at each setting and what the effects would be of controlling the water flow with the control lever. Here are the results:

Oxygenics Fury Shower Head

Pattern 1 on the Fury model is a wide pattern. It took 1 minute and 8 seconds to expend one gallon of water at full waterflow. This was slightly slower than the stock RV showerhead, but considerable quicker than the Oxygenics single select model. We were a bit surprised at the flow rate of .88 gallons per minute, that it wasn’t at least as good as the traditional Oxygenics single select model of .73 gallons per minute. Remember lower gallons per minute is better in terms of saving water.

The Pattern 2 test used the wide pattern from the last test with the inner holes enabled. This fuller flow used water slightly quicker and filled the gallon at 1 minute and 5 seconds or a .92 gallons per minute. This would be expected as more of the showerhead holes are being used.

The Pattern 3 test used only the inner holes of the shower head. This actually had quite a bit of force and resulted in a slightly higher flow rate than the previous test. The gallon was filled in only 1 minute and 3 seconds or at a .95 gallons per minute rate. This was a bit unexpected as fewer holes were being employed.

Pattern 4 is a setting on the shower that mimics the traditional Oxygenics model, only pushing water out from the center of the shower head. This setting had the best result for the Fury with a time of 1 minute and 9 seconds to fill the gallon, or a .87 gallon per minute rate. Better than the other settings, but still far short of the traditional Oxygenics model.

Finally, Pattern 5 is a pulsating setting. This setting when tested, came in at just under 1 minute and 8 seconds to fill the gallon, or a .88 gallons per minute rate. Once again, the test showed that the Oxygenics Fury model with flow set to full, landed slightly better than the stock RV shower head yet significantly worse verses the Oxygenics traditional model.

If the Fury model only worked with full water flow, it would be an obvious choice to go with the traditional Oxygenics model when shopping for a shower head to save water consumption. However, the Fury model allows for the adjustment of water flow using the handle lever on the back of the shower head, and as we discovered, this is a game-changer in terms of controlling water usage. Here are the same test results using the Fury model at half flow:

Pattern 1 – To fill a gallon, 1 minute and 48 seconds or .56 gallons per minute

Pattern 2 – 1 minute and 32 seconds or .65 gallons per minute

Pattern 3 – 2 minutes and 41 seconds or .37 gallons per minute

Pattern 4 – 2 minutes and 09 seconds or .46 gallons per minute

Pattern 5 – 1 minute and 26 seconds or .70 gallons per minute

What becomes apparent quickly when reviewing the partial flow tests, is that much water can be saved or longer showers can be taken for the same amount of water, when manually adjusting the water flow on the shower head. The benefit of this verses simply adjusting the faucet to allow less water is that of consistency. With the shower head set at half flow, you can know what you are using each time.

When boondocking or at a campsite without sewer hookups, being able to take a longer shower is a luxury. This is where the Fury model shines in that you can choose a shower pattern and regulate the water flow to elongate your shower. As you can see, this is a game-changer for your RV trips when you want to stay away from the dump station and stretch the use of your grey waste-water tank.

Another very important benefit is the use of the Fury model when you are camping with full hookups. If so, you can then take advantage of the full water flow, whereas, if you go with the traditional Oxygenics model, you are stuck with the restricted amount of water flow. In this way the Fury model is much more versatile for any camping setting as long you understand how it works best for each situation. Either Oxygenics model, however, is an excellent choice to upgrade from the traditional RV shower head.

If interested, we have both of the Oxygenics models on our Amazon storefront.

All the best in your camping endeavors!

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