In this blog, I’ll talk about a recent problem while on the road with the RV door lock on my Keystone Bullet 243BHS and the step-by-step process we took to replace the lock. Having your door lock fail and not being able to get into the RV can be a startling situation and leave you outside looking in. Replacing the lock is not a difficult task that most RV owners should be able to tackle.

So, let’s jump in.
I had noticed that the deadbolt on my original equipment RV door lock was getting looser to operate over time. I didn’t think much about it until leaving the trailer one day and locking the door. The key turned around and around in the deadbolt while trying to unlock the door. Unfortunately, this was after the deadbolt had engaged. So, the lock was engaged, and the key wouldn’t work!

The next minute it was easy to be alarmed as I wondered how to get back into my locked RV. After a bit, I did figure out how to get back in without breaking any window or door. Pretty quickly, I ordered a replacement door handle and lock. Within a few days, the new handle and lockset arrived at the campground, and we were able to do the replacement. So be aware that if your RV door’s deadbolt starts feeling loose, it could be ready to fail.

So, let’s go over the step-by-step process of doing this door lock replacement. Please be aware that this DIY job is not for everyone, and you need to review this process carefully before deciding to take on this task. We will also have the written process document published on in the Resources area. I don’t consider this job too difficult for the average RV owner, but if you are uncomfortable with any step in this process, please consult a professional. This process simply walks through how I tackled the issue while on the road.
Tools Required
Phillips screwdriver
First – Check to see the play in your deadbolt lock.

As mentioned, my lock was becoming looser over time. You can easily check this by manipulating the red handle to the deadbolt from inside the RV. It should have considerable resistance when turning the handle. If it feels loose, you may have an issue where the deadbolt is failing.
Next – Remove the inside screws of the door handle.

In my situation, four Philips head screws needed to be removed. Once the four screws are loosened, the inside portion of the door handle should come off easily. Note, you’ll want to have the door opened before removing the handle.
Next – Remove the door edge plate.

With the door slightly open, remove the screws that hold the door edge plate to the door. This keeps the lock portion of the handle in place in the door. Once the screws are removed, remove the door edge plate and set it aside.
Next – Remove the lock portion of the handle assembly.

You will need to angle out the lock mechanism very carefully. If you notice, I had an issue with the lock being tight at the back of the door cutout and slightly damaged the fiberglass. It is easy to break the door-facing fiberglass if you force the unit too quickly. If you feel like you are forcing the lock out, stop before you break the door’s fiberglass finish.
Next – Install the new lock.

I purchased a Global Link RV Entry Door Locking Latch Kit from[1] that matched the original equipment. So, it was easy to install the unit, given it was identical to the one removed.
The new lock will have both the lock and interior handle portions joined together in the box. Separate these two portions for installation. Carefully install the outer lock portion of the handle, inserting it at an angle to get the entire mechanism into the door handle cutout. The outside handle locking mechanism may not fully sit flush immediately.
Next – Connect the inside handle.

To get the outer lock portion flush against the door’s fiberglass, I attached the handle portion from the inside using the four screws before attaching the door edge plate. This was not as easy as expected, as it is difficult with one hand to hold the handle to the door while inserting the screws. If you have someone to help at this point, it is a good idea to have them hold the handle portion secure while you insert the screws.
Next – Seat the four screws fully and test the deadbolt.

Once the handle is secure, there should be some resistance in the new lock as the deadbolt slides out. Fully tighten the screws and retest the deadbolt and handle.
Next – Attach the door edge plate.

Use the provided screws so the that the plate seats properly. Once the door edge plate is attached, retest the deadbolt and handle to ensure they move freely.
Next – Replace the trailer’s strike plate.

In my case, the replacement strike plate had a different-sized opening versus the original, so we passed on replacing the strike plate. This is your call to replace the strike plate or leave the original. I didn’t want to add any irregularities to the door closing, so I left it as is, allowing me to replace it later if desired or needed.
Next – Test the new lock and door closing.

Finally, I tested the new lock. It was apparent upon inserting the key that the new lock was good and tight in terms of fit. The deadbolt had decent friction and no play in the mechanism, and the unit worked flawlessly. Also, remember to close the door several times to test that the door continues to close correctly, given the new lockset and original strike plate.

That’ll do it for the step-by-step process of replacing your RVs door lock. Hopefully, this process will help you tackle this task. Remember that the process document for this task is on in the Resources area.
Okay, that’ll do it for now.
All the best in your camping endeavors!
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